
Common Myths About Eczema

1. Hot showers are good for your skin

If your skin is flaring up, the last thing you want to do is aggravate it further. Turn the temperature down in the shower and you’re less likely to irritate your skin. This is especially important during a flare-up. When your skin is particularly angry, a cool shower is definitely best. Use lots of moisturiser during and after your shower.

2. There’s a “cure” out there

I’ve got some tough news for you. There are no shortcuts in this. As with any illness or condition, there are lots of people out there that will try to make you believe that they have some “special gift”, or that they’ve inherited “The Cure™”. Don’t let them fool you. The only reliable way of keeping your skin under control is through consistently looking after it.

3. It’ll get better on its own

With a little care and management, Eczema is a very treatable condition. All it takes is some knowledge of best practices for dealing with it, and consistently staying on top of it. Having said that, it’s not something that’s magically going to get better on its own. If your skin is irritated, dry or itchy, you really do need to take action. The first place to start is with a basic moisturiser, and if your condition isn’t improving, make sure to reach out to a doctor or a dermatologist. In the meantime, check out our top tips on how to stop that itchy feeling fast.

4. My skin will never feel better

In contrast to number 3 above, many people despair that there’s no way their skin will ever feel better. Sometimes, you might even have gone from hoping it would improve by itself to thinking you’ll never have an itch-free day again! Well, I have some good news for you: it definitely will improve. I won’t promise that for all people you will be able to clear up your skin entirely and forever. But I can tell you that with proper treatment and a little consistency, effort and patience, you can expect to see dramatic improvements over time. There IS hope. Things WILL get better.