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Your experience-based guide to treating and living with Eczema

Everderm is dedicated to sharing information and experiences living with Atopic Dermatitis - the skin condition better known as Eczema. Check out the articles below, and get in touch if you have any questions, or requests for more information!

This site is filled with information that I've gained over the years from personal experience, or learned from working with doctors, nurses and dermatologists to manage by own Eczema. I'm delighted to report that my own Eczema is now well controlled - it affects less than 5% of my body now, and when I do have a flare-up I can generally get things under control quite quickly. More importantly, my eczema no longer defines or limits my daily life, and I have the confidence and peace of mind to focus my attention on other parts of my life. I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks I've learned over the years, in the hopes it might help someone else.

Read more about my story here, and if you're up to it, I'd love to hear from you.


Why is my Eczema worse at night?

Eczema worse at night and can’t sleep? Let’s find out why…

Eczema and Mental Health

The impact of Eczema on your mental well-being, and what you can do about it.

Why Scratching Feels Good

Wondering why it feels so good when you scratch your eczema? We’ll dig a little into the reason why.


What are some common allergens that can make your eczema worse, and how can you handle them

Causes of Eczema

What causes eczema to affect particular individuals, and what can make it worse.


What are the different kinds of moisturisers, and which ones are best to use?

Flare Ups

What is a flare-up, what causes them and what can you do to avoid them?

Common Myths About Eczema

Read up on some of the myths we’ve heard about Eczema, and the truth behind them.

Stop Itching Fast

Top 10 useful tips on how to stop that horrible itchy feeling - fast!

What Is Eczema

An introduction to atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema.